Is SoftBank(Masayoshi Son)going to succeed in T-mobile?

Son Masayoshi declared his plan to invest 60 billion USD (6 trillion JPY)in USA after he and Trump talked.

Interestingly Trump describes "Son Masayoshi" as a "Japanese investor"

Trump is proudly talking about his (Japanese investor's )plans to invest in USA as one of Trump's successful deals at "Thank You" in North Carolina today.

ちなみにトランプは孫正義を"Japanese investor"と表現してるが、確かに孫正義日本国籍を取得しているので、間違った表現ではないかもしれませんねえ。

孫正義T-mobileを買収したかったが、失敗して、より小規模なSprint を買収するに終わった
Son Masayoshi(SoftBank)had tried to buy "T-mobile" but in vain, and he ended up buying "Sprint".

T-mobileSoftBankDocomoと同じGSM 方式を採用している(Sprintは違う)
"T-mobile" is using a GSM mobile phone system which is similar to SoftBank mobile phone unlike "Sprint".

What is the most important is how Son Masayoshi get enough money to buy T-mobile.

T-mobile時価総額( current aggregate value) は、 461億3662万4000ドル( 5兆2595億7500万円)
The "current aggregate value" is 46,136,624,000(USD)

Companies have four ways to raise funds(collect money)
(1)一般公募増資( General public offering)
(2)第3者割当増資( Allocation of new shares to a third party)
(3)社債の発行( Bond issue)
(4)銀行からの借り入れ( Borrowing from banks)

(1)has a damage on existing share holders.

(2) The capital adequacy ratio of Softbank is as low as 12.6%. This balance sheet shows that Sofbank has huge debt. I am not sure which company is willing to apply for "private placement of new shares(第三者割当増資)because of huge dept which SoftBank has.

(3)prospective risk of softbank bond is as stated in the article above.

(4)ソフトバンクVodafoneODNを買収した際には、銀行による協調融資( syndicated loan)が頻繁に見られます。
(4)Whenever Softbank buy big companies like vodaphone Japan, ARM and so on , there always has been " syndicated loan" behind mergers and aquisitions.

It is true that SoftBank kept buying Important companies(ARM, Vodafone, ODN,alibaba and so on).
However, this deal has high risks.
That is why we are Interested in whether Prime Minister is going to help Son Masayoshi (SoftBank)because he is thought that Shinzo Abe has been funded by Son so far.