無期限休職中だったGoogleの活動家社員が解雇 | TechCrunch Japan

無期限休職中だったGoogleの活動家社員が解雇 | TechCrunch Japan


Google(グーグル)がRebecca Rivers(レベッカ・リバース)氏を解雇した。同社は活動家社員である彼女を今月、無期限休職に置いていた。解雇については米国時間11月25日の午後、リバース氏自身がツイートした。


今月初めにGoogleは、同社のポリシーに違反したとしてリバー氏とLaurence Berland(ローレンス・バーランド)氏を休職にした。そのときGoogleは「1人は自分の仕事に関係のない秘密文書を検索して共有し、他は一部のスタッフの個人的カレンダーを見た」とコメントしていた。



彼らによると昨年11月の大規模ストライキ以来、Googleは団体活動の規制を何度か試みている。7月には、抗議集会の中心人物だったMeredith Whittaker(メレディス・ウィテカー)氏が、4月の報復措置の報道のあとGoogleを去った。彼らは「リバーズ氏とバーランド氏は『オープンに共有されている社内情報を見ただけで』休職にされた」と表明している。

「この一連の休職や解雇騒動の直前にGoogleは、反労組企業であるISI Consultantsを雇った」とThe New York Timesが報じている。NYTに情報を提供した匿名のGoogle社員は、社内のカレンダーに書かれていた記載から、GoogleとISIの関係を知ったという。


Google has terminated Rebecca Rivers, an employee activist the company put on indefinite administrative leave this month, Rivers tweeted this afternoon.

Google declined to comment but confirmed an internal note published by Bloomberg, which said Google fired a total of four employees for repeatedly violating its data-security policies.

Earlier this month, Google put Rivers and Laurence Berland on leave for allegedly violating company policies. At the time, Google said one had searched for and shared confidential documents that were not pertinent to their job, and one had looked at the individual calendars of some staffers.

Protestors on Friday, however, said Google was punishing Berland and Rivers for speaking out against the company. The rally, where both Berland and Rivers spoke, was in protest of their administrative leaves.


Ahead of the rally, organizers said the “attack” on Rivers and Berland “is an attack on all people who care about transparency and accountability for tech.” Organizers pointed to how Rivers helped create the petition to demand Google end its contract with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and how Berland has participated in a number of worker-organized campaigns, including the one resisting YouTube’s role in facilitating hate speech.

Since the massive employee-led walkout last November, organizers say Google has tried to undermine further attempts to organize. In July, walkout co-organizer Meredith Whittaker left the company following reports of retaliation in April. Organizers of the rally say both Rivers and Berland were put on leave for “simply looking at openly shared internal information.”

This comes shortly after The New York Times reported Google hired an anti-union firm, IRI Consultants. Google employees, who the Times kept anonymous, discovered Google’s relationship with ISI via internal calendar entries.


